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Cosmetic Ear Surgery

ear surgery caryPatients come to CYNTHIA GREGG MD, FACE & BODY SPECIALISTS for cosmetic ear surgery for a variety of reasons. Most common reasons for cosmetic ear surgery are:

  • Abnormally large or small ears
  • Ears that protrude abnormally from the head
  • An Injury that has affected the shape or position of the ears

Ear surgery that is performed to change the shape, size or position of the ears is not usually recommended until a person is 5 to 7 years old when the ears are of appropriate size.

Dr. Cynthia M. Gregg is a highly experienced facial plastic surgeon who performs cosmetic ear surgery for both male and female patients from childhood through adulthood. Many adults did not have access to cosmetic ear surgery when they were younger and request it as adults to correct something that may have long been a source of concern.

Cosmetic ear surgeries are performed in our fully accredited on-site surgical facility. Dr. Cynthia M. Gregg uses advanced surgical techniques to reduce the visibility of the small incisions used during the procedure. During a consultation, she can determine the proper approach to bring a more pleasing appearance to the ears.