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Breast Augmentation

breast augmentation raleighBreast augmentation is a procedure designed to improve your breast shape and or size with an implant or your fat. Women who undergo breast augmentation report a higher confidence level and quality of life after their surgery.

Dr. Cindy Wu will provide a comprehensive and personalized consultation which includes detailed patient history, physical examination, and treatment options. She will tailor each consultation according to the individual patient’s desires and goals for breast augmentation.
The majority of women who undergo breast augmentation report an increased sense of self-confidence after the surgery. Women are happier with their shape and size and can enjoy shopping for and fitting into new clothes.
breast augmentation cary
Silicone and saline implants are both used in breast augmentation surgery. You will be able to discuss the implant type that will be right for you during your consultation with Dr. Cindy Wu. Through the use of Vectra 3D Imagine, patients can see a simulation of how they would look with different sizes of implants. Vectra imaging is a simulation and not an exact representation but does help the patient and physician select the best implant to achieve the aesthetic goals.

Breast augmentation is performed in our fully accredited surgery center under general anesthesia. The procedure lasts approximately 1-2 hours. After surgery, you will be placed in a support garment, which will be worn for the first two weeks. You may feel some pain or discomfort, but most patients are able to manage post-operative pain or discomfort with just a few days of pain medications. You can walk the day of surgery, but running or lifting anything greater than 5 pounds is not recommended until four weeks post-procedure. This allows the implants to heal in the correct position. Patients usually return to work within the week. The scars will continue to heal, and will become thinner and lighter in color at around 12-18 months.

Dr. Cindy Wu is a fellowship-trained breast surgeon and regularly performs breast augmentation procedures for patients in Cary, Raleigh, the surrounding areas of North Carolina, and across the nation.

To learn more about options for breast augmentation, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cindy Wu.

Dr. Cindy Wu discusses what to expect during a consultation for a breast augmentation with implants.