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  /    /  Labiaplasty


labiaplasty raleighSome women experience discomfort or even pain from excess tissue in the labia minora (inner lips) or majora (outer lips). Other women are not satisfied with the way they look in leggings, bathing suits, or underwear, and desire a labiaplasty to improve the appearance of their labia. Labiaplasty can improve both the aesthetics and function of the labia minora and majora for women of all ages, restoring their self-confidence and improving their lifestyle. After surgery, patients usually return to work in less than 1 week.

Dr. Cindy Wu makes her patients feel very comfortable discussing the desire for labiaplasty and performs this procedure for patients in Cary, Raleigh, the surrounding areas of North Carolina, and across the nation. This is a surgery that takes precision and experience to have the best result.

Meet with Dr. Cindy Wu to discuss if Labiaplasty is the solution for you.