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Do you wonder why many of our non-surgical skincare treatments are a scheduled series rather than a one-time procedure?

When we think about skincare, we need to recognize that our skin is just like any other part of our body. Do you go to the gym once, and you are LBD-ready? Do you take one vitamin, and you are forever healthy? NO! Repeated activity, showing improvements along the way, is the way to get your desired result for any changes you want. You need more than one treatment session to achieve and maintain healthy skin. Often, we use more than one modality depending on your age, lifestyle, skin concerns, and season each customized to your specific needs.

Clinical facials and peels are treatments that aid cell turnover, keeping pores clean, hydration, brightening the skin, and keeping your skin healthy when performed on a regular maintenance schedule. These more superficial procedures also help to extend the results of more aggressive treatments.

For more aggressive treatments, such as IPL® lasers to improve pigmentation or address redness, including broken capillaries, the number of treatments depends on how deep the issues lay in the skin. One laser treatment is only the beginning of reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation. It is the repeated use of laser energy that addresses these areas.

Collagen-stimulating treatments, such as Microneedling, AquaGold® Fine Touch™ Facials, and Sofwave™, are used to soften fine lines and wrinkles, reduce the appearance of sun damage or scarring, and tighten the skin, depend on repeated stimulation to achieve collagen building.

Examples of our treatment series recommendations:

DiamondGlow® and Clinical Facials/Peels – series of three generally 4-6 weeks apart, then maintenance 6-8 weeks

Microneedling – series of 3-6 depending on the depth of the areas being addressed, then maintenance quarterly.

Sofwave™ – initial treatment and then booster yearly to tighten skin, can be more frequent if needed.

IPL® and ResurFX™ laser treatments – series of three generally 4-6 weeks apart, and then maintenance as needed, often in the fall to address summer damage and spring to prepare for summer.

AquaGold® Fine Touch™ – series of three Aquagold Facials generally 4-6 weeks apart and then maintenance quarterly.

Our Licensed Aestheticians and Nurses tailor every treatment plan to the individual patient; there is no absolute standard due to your specific skin condition and concerns.

We aim to help you keep your skin healthy, glowing, and defying age and will work with you to develop a plan that works for your lifestyle and concerns.

Please call our office to schedule a consultation to determine which treatment options best address your skincare needs.

-Jennifer, Licensed Medical Aesthetician