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  /  Blog   /  What’s in and What’s not – Trends in the Beauty World for 2024

As a Licensed Medical Aesthetician, I am delighted that one of the most current trending moves in the beauty industry is seeking the advice of a skincare professional about products and services. The days of listening to influencers are winding down. This aligns with who I have always been as an educating aesthetician. Consumers are seeing the value of consulting with a professional versus trusting a celebrity or influencer to persuade them to buy products or have treatments that are not suitable or appropriate for their age or skin type. This switch in pursuing the advice of an experienced skin care professional shows the consumer and industry want a more educated approach to skincare, highlighting personalized care.

Last year, clean products were at the forefront and have become the industry standard. The focus has evolved to sustainable packaging and sourcing for an eco-friendly and environmental impact. Most medical-grade products we carry have been practicing this for several years; however, I expect it to become a stricter practice moving forward. In the arena of skincare jargon, be on the lookout for phrases like “pro-aging” rather than “anti-aging” as Gen X’rs move into the hot seat of noticeable changes in their skin due to natural, environmental aging along with a significant increase focusing on the effects menopause is having on the skin.

Another increasing trend is nourishing and protecting the skin. The 90s have called, and they want the over-exfoliation of skin back! While gentle and appropriate exfoliation at home has benefits, the real magic will happen in the treatment room with professional procedures. This year, utilizing growth factors, peptides, ceramides, less inflammatory retinols and other fortifying ingredients to address skin concerns while leaving its barrier intact will be a spotlight. Harsh exfoliating ingredients, over-layering, and sheet masks are all decreasing this year.

You will see a decrease in complicated,12-step skincare routines; skin cycling is effective but can be simpler. My philosophy is that if you use medical-grade products that penetrate the dermis, causing actual change on the cellular level, you can have a less time-consuming skincare routine. This year, you will see an increased awareness of potency within ingredients and clinical data to back up the claims a product may be hiding behind. Effective and straightforward skincare is what 2024 is all about.

The entire body is grabbing attention, and many people include it in their self-care journey. There is a drastic increase in clinical body products to address many concerns, from acne and sun damage to eczema and dryness. Hair and scalp are also becoming a focus in many skincare routines.

Due to the continued success of microneedling, it is becoming increasingly popular on the treatment side of skincare. For patients embracing a natural look and rejecting the over-injected look, microneedling is an organic way to induce micro-injuries that your body already knows how to heal from but has slowed down on the job. Microneedling boosts your production of collagen and elastin, creating a glow and smoother look to the skin. Maintenance will be recognized more this year as people want to enhance their skin and keep it as supple and youthful as possible. To preserve and improve the skin, superficial treatments like Micropeels, Diamond Glow, or clinical facial treatments without downtime provide a big payoff in the overall health of the skin.

2024 will be an exciting year to be uniquely you while continuing to be proactive with professional skin rejuvenation. The journey to your best self is expanding into the beauty world more naturally and simply as we continue to look and feel better with age. Our aestheticians are available to provide guidance for your skincare routine.

– Jennifer Quigley, Licensed Medical Aesthetician