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With the new year upon us, it is time to set your aesthetic treatment plan with your injector. I feel blessed to have so many exceptional tools in our injector toolbox to provide beautiful and natural anti-aging and prejuvenation non-surgical results! At our Practice, we approach patient care and planning based on a thorough individual patient assessment. Researching your own aesthetic care plan is overwhelming, and due to media and marketing, it can be challenging to know what is right for you!

Our Nurse Injectors look at each patient and assess based on their facial anatomy, priority concerns, long term aesthetic goals, and budget to make a customized plan. Seeing women and men of all decades of life, we believe it is imperative to have a professional assessment and plan to achieve optimal results! Much like skincare, if you aren’t using the right product for your skin type, you aren’t going to yield the results you are looking for. With injectables, we choose the type of product and procedure based on multiple variables (genetics, age, skin quality, bone loss, facial fat pad shifting or atrophy, history of weight loss) for effective, natural, and beautiful results.

Not only is a treatment plan established for the rejuvenation and upkeep of aging patients, we also treat younger patients who are interested in prejuvenation. Prejuvenation is early treatment to prevent many predictable outcomes of the aging face. As always, we customize the plan to ensure that the results are natural and specific to the needs and goals of the patient. Prejuvenation often starts with a low dose of Botox® Cosmetic (Baby Botox) to the areas where muscles will make fine lines or if we know there is a genetic muscle group that is predictable in the family (the angry furrow, the lower face marionette lines). We also focus on preventing inevitable collagen loss by using fillers that biostimulate or build collagen. Some fillers are simply hydrators or “glossers” for the prejuvenation phase.

An example of an aesthetic treatment plan could include using medical grade skin care routinely, coming in for neuromodulators such as Botox® Cosmetic every quarter to soften wrinkles on the face that are caused by muscle, lifting the lids and brows, and assisting in slimming of the neck bands or jawline. Daxxify® is a neuromodulator similar to Botox® cosmetic that lasts up to six months in many patients. This opens up a new realm of efficient patient care in a focused twice-a-year appointment. Dermal fillers replace volume lost from aging, assist in lifting or contouring the cheekbones and jawline, soften folds and fine lines, and naturally refresh and hydrate lips. One may have a once or twice-a-year plan to maintain dermal fillers to keep them aesthetically balanced, soft, fresh, and lifted. A treatment plan could include an annual biotimulator or Sofwave® treatment to stimulate overall collagen. Since we are losing 1% or more of collagen a year, the goal is to build collagen annually to combat the signs of collagen loss, such as laxity, sag, or hollowness in the facial tissue. As you can see, every treatment plan is specific and tailored to your individual needs. There is no “cookie cutter” approach when it comes to injectable treatments in our Practice.

Call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our Nurse Injectors to develop your customized treatment plan for natural-looking results to meet your aesthetic goals. View more about injectable treatments.

Melissa Stockyj, RN, CANS, Aesthetic Nurse Injector