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  /  Blog   /  Subtle Breast Enhancement with Fat Transfer

Dr. Wu provides her patients with a new technique for subtle breast enhancement using their own purified fat. This method is an excellent option for women wanting to increase up to a cup size and do not want implants.

For fat grafting to the breast, she performs liposuction, and then the fat retrieved is purified and injected into the breast to increase volume. There are many advantages to this option for breast enhancement, including:

  1. Minimal anesthesia is required
  2. Liposuction of areas are often areas that patients want to address anyway
  3. With your own fat transferred, the resulting volume increase lasts for life
  4. Fat transfer can be used with any other breast surgery to improve that outcome
  5. Indentations from procedures such as lumpectomy can be improved with fat transfer
  6. Concerns with implants are eliminated
  7. Areas of liposuction for fat harvest can be from the abdomen, inner thighs, flanks, and back ensuring the availability of enough fat
  8. Fat transfer can be done simultaneously with implant removal, reduction, or lift
  9. Minimal downtime is generally experienced

More and more women are requesting more natural breast enhancements, smaller, subtle, and softer results. Fat transfer has proven to be an outstanding choice for those women. Many women have flattening breasts from age or childbearing, indentations or dimples in their breast tissue, lack of symmetry of their breasts, and other breast concerns. They merely want to improve those issues, not enlarge their breasts, and fat transfer is often their best solution.

Dr. Wu is a very experienced, fellowship-trained breast surgeon. She is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. She is one of a limited number of plastic surgeons actively using fat transfer for subtle breast enhancements.

“I am pleased to have this technique to help women who want to improve the appearance of their breasts. Assisting patients in improving their self-confidence with this subtle change is one of the best parts of being a plastic surgeon!” – Dr. Wu

If you are interested in this procedure, call our office or use the consultation request form for a private consultation with Dr. Wu, where she can discuss your options with you.