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  /  Ask the Surgeon   /  Q. Is there anything I can do about cellulite in my buttocks since exercise doesn’t improve it?

A. Cellulite can now be effectively treated with a local procedure that produces immediate and long-lasting results.  The treatment is called Avéli®, and it targets the tethering bands under the skin that cause cellulite dimpling of the buttocks and thighs. We know that a cellulite dimple is caused by a network of strong, tight bands that attach to both the dermis of the skin and the muscle, and these strong fibrous septae pull the skin in, like a dart in a quilt. The Avéli® device targets each cluster of bands and releases them for immediate improvement.  The procedure takes about an hour and is performed with a strong numbing solution.  Patients wear tight yoga pants after the procedure, can return to work in 24 hours, and return to working out after 1 week.

Some patients not only have cellulite but also skin laxity of the buttocks and thighs. Some patients may also have some volume loss in the buttocks and thighs.  Fillers such as Radiesse® or Scupltra® can correct the skin laxity and volume loss for patients with skin laxity or volume loss.  These injectables are often combined with Sofwave™, an ultrasound skin-tightening device, to improve the skin contour of the buttocks and thighs.  These cellulite treatments all have little downtime or discomfort but will need some time for mild bruising to resolve before you put on your bathing suit!

If patients have cellulite, skin laxity, and/or volume loss, a combination of Avéli®, injectables, or Sofwave™ may be most effective. Every patient’s anatomy and needs are different; therefore, it is advisable to schedule a consultation with me to formulate a personalized treatment plan to help you rejuvenate your lower body.  Please call Alma, my Patient Care Coordinator, at 919-297-0097 to schedule. Learn more about Avéli®

– Cindy Wu, MD, FACS, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon


If you have questions you would like Dr. Wu to answer, please email them to, and we will include them in a future Ask The Surgeon Column.