Q: I am considering breast augmentation and wonder about the safety and longevity of implants.
A: Breast augmentation was the #1 plastic surgical procedure performed in 2018 and the majority are performed using a breast implant device.
Breast implants are FDA-approved and are very safe devices. They are among the most studied medical devices in the world and we expect that they will continue to be. Worldwide collaboration between the scientific community, patient advocacy groups and governments continue to work to keep patients and physicians educated about the latest news and advancements to improve patient safety.
The scientific literature shows no causal relationship between the device and autoimmune diseases based on decades of worldwide studies. This is certainly not to say that an individual patient could not have a negative reaction to any medical device, but the likelihood is quite low that an implant alone could cause adverse health issues. Breast implants can be removed for any reason.
Breast implants should not be expected to last a lifetime and there is no exact expiration date on them. The implants themselves carry a lifetime warrantee, but that does not imply that the surgical results will last forever. You will likely, at some point, need to have adjustment made to maintain the result of your surgery due to aging. The longevity of your implant surgery is also affected by your age at implantation.
Hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide choose augmentation or reconstruction with implants due to the quality of life benefits with no adverse reactions.
I am very experienced with breast implants and also fat transfer for breast augmentation and reconstruction. Safety is my first priority in patient care. I am happy to discuss this or any other concerns regarding breast implants during an individual consultation.
Dr. Cindy Wu
Dr. Wu and a number of her colleagues generated this video to show their confidence in the safety and value of implantation.